Do you ever wonder what lies ahead for us in the future?  Think about what we are facing today with all the turmoil in the world; terrorism, fanatical Islam, wars and rumors of wars.  Sound familiar?  (Matthew 24:6)  We are in the closing minutes of the church age.  What will they be like for us?  I believe that the United States are in for some perilous times.  I believe that God’s judgment is upon us and we are just now beginning to feel the affects of the judgment that is ahead.  God has spoken and told us that dark clouds are on the horizon, that it is time for God’s people to get themselves ready for the terrible times that are ahead.  It is time for the church to stop playing church and get down to business with God.  We must stop living like the world and begin to live holy lives before God.  God has said that he would protect and provide for his people that are living holy, separated lives for him.  We don’t know what exactly is going to happen; it could be terrorism or just flat out divine happenings (earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, plagues, etc.) or we could be facing nuclear bombs going off in big cities, nuclear plants being bombed, our power grids being bombed, biological weapons being used on us by our enemies as well as many other happenings.


We have been blessed for so long by God that it is hard to believe that we could be facing such a time as this, but be warned it is coming and America will not escape the happening.  It hurts to think that we as Americans have brought ourselves to this place.  We have become so harden to the things of God that we think we can live any old way and get by.  Do not be deceived, God is not mocked.  Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap.  (Galatians 6:7)  Many times in the Bible God warned his people of Israel to return to his ways or judgment would come. The times they did as God said, judgment was stopped; but the times they did not listen, the judgment came and they paid a heavy price for their sins.  God always warns first (many times) before sending judgment and it is sad to say that we have already been warned many times but we are not listening.  September 11, 2001 was a direct warning from God to straighten up or face the consequences.  God has allowed a space of time to see if we will repent or reject him.  So please repent, turn to God and serve him with all of your heart.  He is waiting for you and if you are a servant of his please get the message out to others.  Do not be ashamed to tell and warn others because any who get ready because of this word will be the ones that God will protect and proved for and they will be ready for the rapture of the church at his glorious appearing.  God has also said that this period of time since 9/11 has been the time for us to prepare for what’s ahead (to pray, to seek his face and be ready spiritually) so that we can be prepared to tell people what is going on when the judgment comes.  So many of our preachers haven’t been saying that the events of 9/11 were a part of God’s judgment, but instead they were saying this was just our enemies attacking and that God would fight for us.  I say it was God’s attempt to get our attention to repent.  Here is an outline that I feel is of events to come.


· Right now is the time for the church to get ready

· I believe that there is going to come another bad judgment (maybe more

      than one)

· A space of time will be allowed for people to repent (how long that will

      be, we do not know)

· If America does not repent, we will see more judgments

· Then I believe the rapture of the church will take place

· The tribulation will then begin


The Man of Sin (Antichrist)


I believe the antichrist will be a Muslim.  We see in the book of Daniel that the man of sin will come out of one of the four divisions of the Grecians Empire (Daniel 8) and that he will come out of the Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian territories (Daniel 11).  What we see already happening in these areas is compelling enough to let us know something is happening (and I am not talking about the war that we are in now).  The president of Iran says that their mahdi will appear within 2 years.  (Their mahdi is what we consider to be the antichrist.)


My friend, if you haven’t already, please prepare yourself for what’s ahead, pray, fast, humble yourself and turn from your wicked ways and serve God with all your heart. (2 Chronicles 7:14)  God loves you and wants you to be ready.


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